Guadalupe Regional Middle School Alum Heads to Law School

In the heart of Houston, Elvia Sanchez ‘14 had been making big moves. As a graduate of Guadalupe Regional Middle School (GRMS) and Brownsville Early College High School (BECHS), she already stood out for her dedication and hard work. Her family, full of love and encouragement and push, supported her every step of the way.

Elvia at U of HAfter attending BECHS and earning 2 years of college credit while in high school, Elvia entered the University of Houston (U of H) at 18 years old as a Junior.

“I moved away from my family to a city where I didn’t know anyone. None of my friends went to school in Houston. It was hard not to feel homesick all of the time, and I had to really push myself to stay instead of going home.”

“Starting college as a Junior meant I really had to organize myself fast. I couldn’t waste time.”

“It was terrible timing, too. I finished my 2 years of college, COVID hit, then they kept postponing my graduation. My parents almost didn’t believe that I had graduated until the diploma came in the mail.”

Elvia, the oldest of 4 children, was now the first in her family to attend and graduate from college.

After years of tireless effort, and several postponed graduation ceremonies, Elvia proudly walked across the stage at the University of Houston, donning her cap and gown to receive her degree in Corporate Communications with a minor in Political Science. Her journey, however, was far from over.

Once the dust settled with COVID, she knew she couldn’t stay home. With a passion for justice and a desire to make a difference, she moved back to Houston and took her first step into the professional world as a legal assistant at an immigration law firm in Houston.

“I had always been interested in law. I had been practicing for the LSAT since undergrad. I knew law was a big commitment, and I wanted to make sure I liked it before I jumped in, so I felt this was the safest move for me.”

Every day, Elvia dove headfirst into her work, helping families navigate the complexities of immigration law. Her determination, empathy, and intelligence earned her invaluable experience and the gratitude of the clients she helped. Yet, amidst her new career, a secret ambition stirred within her heart.

Late one night, as the city's lights glittered outside her window, an email notification illuminated her screen. With confusion, she opened it to find registration information from the South Texas College of Law, Houston’s oldest law school. Elvia's heart raced, her eyes widened with disbelief, but she didn’t understand. She had applied to law school, a decision she hadn't shared with her parents, but she had not received an acceptance notification. She decided to check her email’s spam folder. There is was - her official acceptance to law school.

Late one night, as the city's lights glittered outside her window, an email notification illuminated her screen. With confusion, she opened it to find registration information from the South Texas College of Law, Houston’s oldest law school. Elvia's heart raced, her eyes widened with disbelief, but she didn’t understand. She had applied to law school, a decision she hadn't shared with her parents, but she had not received an acceptance notification. She decided to check her email’s spam folder. There is was - her official acceptance to law school.

“It was surreal. I was so excited, but it was so late. I couldn’t hold it in, though, and I called a friend so I could let it out.”

As the sun's first rays painted the sky with hues of gold, Elvia's excitement grew. She dialed her parents' number and waited anxiously as the phone rang. Elvia began to share her secret. Again, they didn’t believe her.

What was she talking about? When did she apply to law school? The line was filled with confusion, shock, pride, joy, and overwhelming happiness. Elvia's family, who had known her strength and potential all along, were beyond thrilled. Elvia, the first in the family to attend and graduate from college, was now poised to take on law school, a new challenge that held the promise of even greater accomplishments.

Elvia’s first day of law school is on Monday, and her heart is full of determination. As she starts her classes, she carries with her the dreams of her family and the hope of a better future for herself, them, and her clients.

Elvia's three younger siblings look up to her with admiration and awe, inspired by Elvia and her sisters and brothersher dedication to education and her pursuit of her dreams. She is a role model not just for her family, but for her GRMS community as well – a symbol of what students can achieve with determination, support, and an unwavering belief in oneself.

What's more, Elvia's mom couldn't wait to share the news with us here at Guadalupe Regional Middle School. She made sure to make a stop in the main office to give us the incredible details. We could not have been more honored to be included. This is what GRMS is all about.

“GRMS will always be my little home. I am grateful I had the opportunity to go to a middle school that lets you find yourself. GRMS is where I received consistent encouragement and expectations to go to college. It was never a question of if, but when.”

“My advice to Guadalupe kids is to always believe you can do it. As first generation college students, we have to figure it out, and a lot of times we are on our own. You have to know it is ok to make mistakes. You are going to make mistakes. You have to keep thinking ahead to the future and keep working at it.”

“My advice for Guadalupe students going away for college is to not be shy. Everyone is in the same situation, and everyone wants to make friends. Say hi to people. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Start conversations. Join clubs. Even if you don’t stay in a club, try it out, you’ll still meet people and make new friends even if you only go once.”

As Monday approaches and the doors of law school open before her, Elvia will step forward, ready to embrace the new challenges and opportunities before her. With her family's love behind her and her own ambition propelling her forward, she is determined to make her mark in the legal world and continue her journey of breaking barriers.