% of NMC Students Qualifying for Federal Lunch Program
Hours per School Day
View more National data on our 2019-2020 NMC Data Dashboard.
The NativityMiguel Coalition positions member schools within a credible scale of impact that is not possible with a single school. The NativityMiguel Coalition amplifies the profound contribution of these schools to key national stakeholders.
The NativityMiguel Coalition has three priority areas:
1. Faith-Based: A faith-based environment for the development of the whole child (mind, body, and spirit) directly impacts a student’s formation and achievement. The Coalition will examine and promote the distinct value that a culture of faith adds to a student’s education.
2. Effective Administrative Structure: Member schools thrive on an effective administrative structure employing strong leadership and effective practice to be viable with a non-tuition-driven model and minimal government funding. The Coalition will examine and promote effective practices that drive the viability of our schools in areas of mission, governance, advancement, operations, and instruction.
3. Support Students Beyond Graduation: Member schools support students after graduation to foster their continued development, achievement, and contribution to their communities. The Coalition will examine and promote how this unique component helps students excel at each level of education and successfully enter the next stage of personal and professional life.
These priorities are addressed by:
studying what is working in member schools
advising school leaders on strategic priorities
connecting member schools with relevant expertise and research
coordinating an annual national conference
sharing best practices via technology
developing a regional structure with regional support and programming.