Loyola Academy of St. Louis Expands Programming With New 4th and 5th Grade Cohort

Loyola Academy of St. Louis is in an exciting state of growth! This fall, our strategic priority of expanding our program to serve younger students will come to fruition. Our faculty and staff have worked diligently to recruit students and families for our new combined 4th/5th grade cohort. Some of these students may have the unprecedented opportunity to attend Loyola Academy for five years!

Our students deeply embrace the concept of brotherhood, and we routinely see relationships form between students of varied ages. This year, our middle-school students will share with the faculty and staff the task of welcoming and mentoring their new younger brothers. The adults will guide this process with explicit instructions in our Loyola Knights course. However, the growth often comes in the “less structured” times like lunch, recess, and Enrichment. Our faculty members catch glimpses of these moments and relish in reporting them to the rest of the staff. These moments buoy us and provide more assurance that God is at work.

We are ever grateful to the friends who support the mission of Loyola Academy, especially in this season of growth. We cannot wait to share with you what we’ll achieve as a community this upcoming year and look forward to having even more time to assist our students with achieving their God-given potential!