Wednesday, November 3

12:00PM - 1:00PM Eastern


Founders’ Circle

We’ll hear from some of our school founders about what it was like to start an NMC school, the highlights, the struggles, and what is their hope for the future of NMC schools. 

Fr. Jack Podsiadlso - Nativity Mission Center (New York, NY)

Fr. Ed Durkin - Nativity Mission Center, Gonzaga Boys Program (St. Aloysius School) and NativityMiguel Middle School of Buffalo

Mary Claire Ryan - Cornelia Connelly Center (New York, NY)

Rev. Tom Johnson - The Neighborhood Academy (Pittsburgh, PA)

Rev. Susan Anderson-Smith - Imago Dei Middle School (Tucson, AZ)


1:10PM - 2:00PM Eastern

Expanding access to high-quality education and reduce student debt.

Facilitated by Brett Roer, High School Strategic Partnership Lead at

Outlier’s mission is to increase access to quality college education and dramatically reduce student debt. Bringing all these different backgrounds to the table, we’ve been hard at work developing the world's best online courses, taught by some of the most celebrated educators in the world.

Outlier courses are immersive, cinematic, engaging, and use cutting-edge science-backed teaching techniques. So far, it’s working: our courses are proving to match traditional in-person college course success rates—unprecedented results in the world of for-credit online college education.

2:10PM - 3:00PM Eastern


Facilitated by Don Grace, founder of Schooling for Hope

During the 2020-21 school year, the NativityMiguel Coalition collaborated with a new nonprofit (Schooling for Hope) and four SfH partner organizations to produce a new 2021-24 strategic plan that will transform the Coalition’s ability to support member schools in unleashing students’ potential. 

 In the first part of this workshop, the following presenters will outline how an unusually inclusive strategic planning process (using 11 focus groups and online polling that included 8th graders, alums, and parents) yielded a strikingly incisive result (one page):

            --Danny Perez, NMC member school alum and executive director of the Coalition

            --Randolph Carter, founder and associate director of East Ed

            --Don Grace, founder of Schooling for Hope

            --Kelly McMurray, founder and creative director of 2communique

In the second part of this workshop, breakout groups facilitated by the presenters will invite participants to identify one of the four strategic plan priorities that will be most important to the success of their school over the next three years.  Jeremy Besch, founder of Stone Bench Consulting (another SfH partner organization) will facilitate the whole group discussion of breakout group results.

3:10PM - 4:00PM Eastern

The Right-Fit, Faster: Teacher Recruitment and Hiring for Smaller Networks and Individual Schools

Facilitated by Waine Tam, CEO, and Founder, Selected and Alexandra Thorson, Director of Community of Content, Selected

Building a repeatable recruitment process takes time, especially for smaller institutions. Fortunately, there are key steps schools can take to effectively, and efficiently, find their right-fit candidates — all with an eye toward retention. We’ll cover the leading trends in teacher recruitment, including: tools that speed up and strengthen the sourcing and hiring process; strategies to mitigate common hiring biases that ultimately hold you and your students back; and some of the best practices in teacher retention. These lessons are applicable to schools of any size, but will focus on the unique challenges of small networks and individual schools.

Selected’s Resource Blog can be found here. And two pieces to follow-up on the chat question during the session include:

Thursday, November 4th

12:00PM - 1:00PM Eastern


"Being Companions on The Journey:
The Educational Trajectories of NativityMiguel Students"

Laura Nichols will discuss her findings from her book, The Journey Before Us: First Generation Pathways from Middle School to College, which examines why although more students are enrolling in college than ever before, many never graduate. By following the educational trajectories and transitions of LatinX students and analyzing national data, Nichols explores the different paths that students take and the factors that make a difference.

An associate professor of Sociology at Santa Clara University, Laura Nichols works to make social science research useful to organizations and policy-makers. Her recent research projects focus on reducing inequality in the education system, the experiences of first-generation college students, and participatory program planning and evaluation.

1:10PM - 2:00PM Eastern

Urban Catholic Education: What does it tell us and where do we go from here?

Facilitated by Dr. Charles Cownie, Director of Catholic Teacher Formation & Director, Urban Catholic Teacher Corps, and Dr. Myra Rosen-Reynoso

Drs. Cownie and Reynoso will share from their research on urban Catholic elementary schools across the United States and engage participants in discussing the findings within the current context of their schools and potential innovations that they can implement.

2:10PM - 3:00PM Eastern

Fostering Purpose, Identity, and SEL Skills in Students

Facilitated by Yutaka Tamura, Executive Director, nXu

nXu recognizes that young people in today's society must master more than core academic skills; for youth and educators alike, purpose development, identity exploration, and social-emotional skills are essential for short and long-term success.  Participants will directly experience how nXu cultivates students’—and educators’--sense of purpose while also learning about nXu’s purpose development curriculum and the ways in which the nXu team is supporting a growing number of educators and schools to integrate nXu’s curriculum and assessment system into the fabric of their schools.  More specifically, participants will receive access to specific lessons from nXu’s curriculum and explore how nXu’s lessons strategically integrate often disparate constructs including purpose, social-emotional learning, identity development, relationship & social capital development, and career exploration.  

Let us know if you have any questions or would like to connect by completing this 2 minute post-survey! Link:

In case any of you would like to connect further, here is Yutaka’s Calendly which provides a basic sense of his availability:

Here is a list of our upcoming offerings for the public!

3:10PM - 4:00PM Eastern

Charity or Investment? Using data to bolster your narrative.

Facilitated by Cameron Taylor, Head of School, Imago Dei Middle School (Tucson, AZ)

Most small non-profit organizations use anecdotal data and narrative to fundraise. But does relying on a model of charitable giving discount the return on investment these organizations are providing the community? Inserting the right data into your school's storytelling can lead to increased emotional and financial investment in your mission.

Friday, November 5th

12:00PM - 1:00PM Eastern


The Gift of Opportunity

“Opportunity is Nativity’s gift to you. What you do with that opportunity is your gift to Nativity.”

Chris Marte will share how the extended day and year and the lessons learned along the way shaped his worldview and desire to give back to his community. Chris is the recently elected City Council member of District 1 in New York City. He graduated from the first NativityMiguel school in 2007.

Christopher started his career managing IBM’s retirement funds while paying off his student loans. As he continued to work in finance, he served on the Young Professionals Board of Defy Ventures -- where he guided formerly incarcerated people through the process of starting their own small businesses. Christopher went on to work as a legal researcher at an immigration law firm, before learning about local politics and eventually running for City Council. Since then, he has worked as the New York State Director at Arena, using his experience running for office to train a new generation of candidates and campaign staffers.

1:10PM - 2:00PM Eastern

CURA and Crisis Text Line: Bringing social and emotional support to our alumni

Facilitated by Jen Elena Romano, CEO and Co-founder, Cura and Board Member Sacred Heart Nativity San Jose, Jana French, Sr. Business Development Manager, Crisis Text Line

Cura, is a social uplift platform inspired by Cura Personalis (care for the whole self) currently under development for all of the alumni of member schools of the Nativity Miguel Coalition. After two years of research with our advancement team, graduate support directors, alumni, board members, University professors, and administrators, Cura found a need to support graduate support offices by developing a unified community with shared social justice and conscious values and bringing data analytics and technology to our broader Nativity Miguel Coalition for advancement teams. Cura brings curated resources, career mentors, and advisors to help our alumni navigate purpose-driven lives and careers. 

Crisis Text Line has been providing free, 24/7, confidential support for people in crisis via text since 2013. Volunteer Crisis Counselors complete a 30-hour training and have 24/7 supervision by full-time Crisis Text Line mental health professionals. Learn more at

2:10PM - 3:00PM Eastern

Educational Agility from the Classroom to the Boardroom

Facilitated by Jeff Burnstein, Founder of, and Simon Holzapfel, founder and Executive Director of Copper Beech Company 

Schools are looking for more bandwidth during these difficult times. In our presentation, we will share our proven approach to faculty and administrators looking for ways to increase the flow of learning. We can show how educational agility allows teachers and administrators to maximize the value they can deliver given the finite capacity and demands of just “doing school” in COVID times. The 21st century skills of agility allow for leveling the playing field for smoother transition into the labor force and high quality jobs.

3:10PM - 4:00PM Eastern

Agile Mindset: Making Education Purposeful

Facilitated by Jessica Cavallaro and Roslynn Jackson, Co-Founders of the Agile Mind

An agile mindset is the ability to see possibilities where others see dead ends. This mindset is essential for students facing a quickly evolving world where creativity, problem-solving, and reflection are key for success. Join Jessica and Roslynn as they share strategies and tools to make education purposeful and how developing an agile mindset has transformed their classrooms and students' educational journey.

6:00PM - 9:00PM Eastern

Sponsored by the Foresight Project and the NativityMiguel Coalition, participants are welcomed to join the celebration of Nativity Mission Center’s 50th anniversary. The event will be in person and streamed live.