NMC Spirit Week: March 13-17, 2023

NMC will celebrate its 2nd annual Spirit Week from March 13 - 17, 2023. During Spirit Week, member schools are encouraged to show their NMC spirit by:

  • Sharing information about the Coalition and your school’s membership in a morning assembly or advisory period 

  • Connecting with another school for a shared assembly or class discussion (students and alumni)

  • Scheduling online games like chess or other virtual activities with another member school

  • Staff member(s) visit another member school

This year, the NMC is hosting an art and essay contest for students/alums in grades 5th - 12th. We ask that essays and art pieces focus on any or all of the following:

- Share a moment when you were grateful to be a student/alum of your NativityMiguel School?

- Tell/show us a teacher/administrator/mentor from your school that has greatly impacted your educational career.