10:30 AM10:30

Northeast Regional Gathering

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Presidents/ Heads of Schools and Graduate Support Staff in the Northeast Region are invited to a day of sharing ideas and best practices at the Epiphany School in Boston, MA on Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Location: Epiphany School, 154 Centre Street, Dorchester, MA 02124

Times: 10:30 AM tour if you wish to see the school;

11:00 AM to noon gathering and sharing

12 meal, 12:45 to 2:00 break-out session

2:15 - Mass if you wish to attend

To RSVP, please email Matthew Fitzsimons (Head of School at Grace Academy) :

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1:00 PM13:00

Webinar Series: Alumni Voices in Communications

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On Wednesday, February 26 at 1 PM Eastern, join Genesis Torres, Alum and Advancement Associate at Cornelia Connelly Center (NY), as she discusses the importance of Alumni Voices in Communication. Alumni are our most valuable asset. They are living proof that the model and mission of our schools work. Genesis will discuss how we can leverage alumni voices while also creating spaces for their success and continued involvement in our school community. 


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